

Definition of Everything

‘Everything’ is understood as the sum of all the elements that make up the universe and that are relevant to it. This term can also be applied to sets of elements within categories in which those specific elements represent the…

Definition of Indicators

1. The term Indicators refers to a set of parameters, each of which represents a specific characteristic that can be observed and measured, used to assess the changes suffered in a given activity. Examples: A) Economic indicators. B) I. social.…

Definition of Prenatal

The word prenatal It is used to refer to the first stages of development of living beings, it covers the entire process that takes place from the conception or fertilization of the new being, which occurs when the egg and…

Definition of Study of Biology

Serena CuoghiTitle of Professor of Biology Biology may be the most fascinating area of ​​science, if we focus on its ability to get involved with any other field and generate valuable contributions, since it is dedicated to the study of…

Theophany Definition

When god or a divinity appears to a human being, a theophany occurs. In fact, in its etymological origin theophany is formed with the concepts of teos, which means god and epiphany, which means appearance in human form. The origin…

Germ Definition

The concept of germ is used in our language in more than one sense. A germ, also called microorganism or microbe, is a living being that can only be seen through a microscope. It is an organism that has individuality…

Frustration Definition

the frustration is a typical emotional response that we human beings manifest when a desire or hope fails, that is, it consists of a hyper-negative and unpleasant feeling that is closely linked to unsatisfied expectations due to not having been…

Anime Definition

On Japanese soil and now thanks to the incredible and fabulous impact that art has had beyond the borders of Japan, the term anime It is used interchangeably to designate both cartoons that have Japanese origin and the animation technique…

Cartogram Definition

Cartography is the discipline that studies maps. This discipline presents a wide range of options, since in the maps it is possible to introduce information about geographical accidents, transport infrastructures, municipalities and regions, political borders and, in short, any information…

Compensation Definition

1. Compensation is the state of balance or restitution within a certain situation. Example: ‘He will make up the days he missed next weekend’. 2. The specific benefits derived from an action or process. Examples: A) ‘Volunteer work brings profound…