Affection Definition

Affection is the action through which a human being professes his love to another human being, although it is also very common that the recipient of that love is not exclusively another individual, and can also materialize and profess itself through a pet, for example..

Regarding its origin, affect will always be the result of a process of social interaction between two or more organisms and will be characterized by feedbackThat is to say, affection is something that I can give to the person or people I love, and as soon as they receive my demonstration, they can also answer and repay it, showing me that they received it and that they also feel the same way.

Traditionally, affection It has taken the form of a kiss, a caress, a gesture, attention, care, among other modalities and it is an issue that is closely linked to the universe of emotions..

Although it is not as decisive as the air we breathe and that allows us to continue being part of this world, affection is something essential for human beings, it is an intrinsic need, placed on a par with any other physiological or spiritual need and even for which, if necessary, any human being will fight to keep it or to get it.

Although affection will be necessary at any stage and moment in life, there are two key moments in the life of any person, such as childhood and illness, in which affection is essential, either to develop and grow optimally conditions and harmony, in the first case and to overcome or to make some condition more bearable. Because without a doubt, even the most serious, terminal illness, if it is passed through with the affection of all the loved ones, will be less painful.

But affection is not something that flows, moves and that’s it, the chicken is ready, quite the contrary, affection will always require effort, that is, capable, we are not aware of the effort we constantly make when we help the other or We do things to give your life greater well-being, but without a doubt, the effort is and is an essential part and without which there would be no affection. Because even the smallest thing we do to show the other our affection and that we love them, such as buying them the chocolate that we know they like, will imply an effort, on the one hand an economic effort and on the other time and travel to the place where they sell.
