This word has several abbreviations:
The most common is made up of a b followed by other letters that are part of the word in lower case and a period:
Other abbreviations start the same, but change in the number of letters that accompany the b before ending with a point:
blvd. bv. blvd.
When necessary for the context or the formation of the sentence, the first letter may be written in capital letters.
When is this abbreviation used?
The word boulevard It is of French origin and its adaptation to Spanish is boulevard. Hence some abbreviations are a little different.
In any case, and according to the RAE, it is a polysemous word with two meanings:
Generally wide street with trees.
Tree-lined central promenade of a wide avenue or street.
Let’s look at some examples with their abbreviations:
The walk through that was great.
I live a few streets from Los Naranjos.
We drove past the Carrillón yesterday. What beautiful trees!
Shall we meet at the beginning of the ?