【 Disyllabic words

The number of syllables that a word has allows us to classify it within the different categories of the language. We know that the Spanish language is one of the richest and most complex languages ​​currently spoken, and for this reason it can be very fascinating. Within these classifications we find disyllabic words.

The disyllabic words They are part of the words that have more than one syllable, these are known as multisyllabic words. All words that have more than one syllable are called polysyllables and are different from monosyllabic words, which are those that only have a single syllable.

What are disyllabic words?

We know that a syllable is the smallest unit of articulated sounds into which a word can be divided. Syllable classifications allow us to know the number of articulated sounds that a word has.

Disyllabic words are those that are made up of two syllables that we can visualize with a simple separation.

For example:

Plane It has two syllables so it is taken as a two-syllable word.

Frozen It has three syllables. NO It is a disyllabic word.

The etymology of disyllabic words comes from Greek where bi means “two” and syllable which means “syllables”, in this sense its meaning is literally “two syllables” to refer to all those words that contain this number of syllables in their composition.

Examples of disyllabic words

Disyllabic words

Must De – be Eat Co – mer View Vis – ta hand Ma – no Frying Pan Sar – ten Lotion Lo – tion Out Out – ra Before Before – before Park Pair – than Cry Cry – rar Like Gus – ta Topic Te – ma Era E – ra Has Tie – ne Form Form – ma Does Ha – ce Sides The – two Account Account – ta Be Es – tar Less Me – us Because Why – what Beast Bes – aunt Marble Mar – mol This Is – ta Do Ha – cer Power Po – der Have Have – ner Fragile Fra – gil After After Football Soccer – bowl Plain Call – no Letter Le – tra Island Is – la Said Said – jo All Everyone Enter – bring Clock Re – loj Brush Pin – cel Ball Ball – lón Everything To – do Say From – cir Years Years – years Truck Car – mión Art Art – te Street Street – lle Afternoon Tar – de Premio Pre – mio Tose To – se Plate Pla – to Have Tie – nen

Examples of sentences with disyllabic words

Look at the following examples of sentences with disyllabic words made with the previous words. In the list we have only included some disyllabic words, but there are surely many more.

everyone has to organize your space. I feel like eat a dessert. to simple view the effects cannot be evident. Raise the hand if you want to comment. I have cooked the eggs in the frying pan. The lotion The one you bought has a very strong smell.
Out From here everything is very different. Apologize before that it’s too late. There’s a park close to my house. When I’m sad I feel like cry. I like go for walks with my dog. Francisco is always changing issue. In the Was From the ice there were fascinating creatures. He has very pretty eyes. That drawing has a shape very strange In the winter does very cold, especially in the early morning. Before crossing the street make sure you look both ways sides. Andrew account the same stories from his childhood. Prefer be playing in the sand on the beach.
Less It’s bad I have you with me. Laura went to bed because I had a fever. That beast terrifies the entire population. This table is handcrafted with marble quality.
This week I will sit in the chair that this on the right. I have so much for do and very little time. The sayings say that wanting is can. Wanna have a house with a patio full of flowers. In this cardboard box we have placed a very fragile.
After From lunch time you can go out and play. The season starts next week. soccer.
an angle flat It is different from an acute angle. The letter A is the first of the Spanish alphabet. The landscape in this island It is unmatched. My mom told me said to give you this.
All The animals that inhabit the earth are living beings. I’ll call you later, now I’ll get in to a meeting. My clock It needs you to set the current time. With this Brush you can make beautiful paintings. My ball It fell in the neighbor’s yard while playing with my brother. Albert Einstein said that all It’s actually relative. When I get nervous I don’t know what say. Mariana is going to turn 6 years this month. He truck of vegetables has arrived early this time. He art It is fundamental for life. In the street The girl with her yellow flowers passes by. The sun is more intense during the late. Your attitude deserves a prize. Camilo cough very strong when he has the flu. I’m going to eat another dish of soup. They have great aspirations.

Stress in disyllabic words

The stress in disyllabic words can only be in two ways, whether they correspond to serious words or acute words. Acute words are those that have the accent on the last syllable. For their part, serious words are those in which the stress is marked on the penultimate syllable. Esdrújulas or sobresdrújulas words cannot be disyllabic words since these require more than two syllables for their accentuation.

Song is a disyllabic word with accentuation acute.

Break is a disyllabic word with accentuation acute.

Tree is a disyllabic word with accentuation serious or flat.

Eat is a disyllabic word with accentuation serious or flat.

According to the phonetic classification of words, disyllabic words, being serious or plain, have certain stress rules that must be met in each case. If they are acute words, they must have an accent if the word ends in n, or a vowel. On the contrary, if it is a serious word, it should be checked when it does not end in n, or a vowel. The stress of disyllabic words that are flat or low is opposite to the stress when they are acute.

Characteristics of disyllabic words

They are usually short words. They can have several letters, but can only be separated into two syllables. Disyllabic words have an accent depending on the phonetic classification of acute words or serious words.