⭐ Let’s see or see ▷▷Correct uses of each of the forms

In this case, we are faced with a case of homophony produced by the way we pronounce or not pronounce the letters b, v and h. In addition to the way of making more or less pauses between words.

We propose a short questionnaire so that you can assess where you are at the beginning of reading this text. You may discover that you know the topic better than you imagined.



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Correct: “+total_correct+”

Incorrect: “+total_incorrect+”

Without answer: “+total_pending+”

Repeat quiz”); } jQuery(“.play_sound”).attr(“src”,”https://www.beta.mundoprimariapremium.com/wp-content/themes/wp-bootstrap-starter-child/imagenes/btn_play .png”); jQuery(“.play_sound”).attr(“onerror”,”this.src=”https://www.beta.mundoprimariapremium.com/wp-content/themes/wp-bootstrap-starter-child /imagenes/btn_play.png””); } var toHHMMSS = function (obj) { var sec_num = parseInt(obj, 10); // don’t forget the second param var hours = Math.floor(sec_num / 3600); var minutes = Math.floor((sec_num – (hours * 3600)) / 60); var seconds = sec_num – (hours * 3600) – (minutes * 60); if (hours < 10) {hours = "0"+ hours;} if (minutes < 10) {minutes = "0"+minutes;} if (seconds < 10) {seconds = "0"+seconds;} return minutes+':'+seconds; //hours+':'+ minutes+':'+seconds } function message(t,c){ jQuery("#messageTitle").html

Why do doubts arise? Are “have” and “let’s see” both correct?

Returning to the beginning of the text, doubts arise due to a phenomenon called homophony which is that words or expressions are pronounced in a similar way, but are written differently and have different meanings.

To have and let’s see are clearly an example of homophony, as are other words and expressions. Some examples would be the following:

Baron (noble title) and male (man).
Hello (greeting) and wave (water movement).
he finds her (“finds it”) and Hague (city in the Netherlands).
Attract (to bring closer or move by a force or desire) and attract (deciding to move something from one place to another).

It doesn’t just happen between two options. Below are some examples of three words:

AND (conjunction), I have (verb haber) and Hey (interjection).
TO (preposition), ha (verb haber) and oh (interjection).
Is (tree), governess (woman raising children) and find (verb find).

Thus, the conclusion is that both options are correct and, therefore, it is necessary to determine the use of each of them as has been done briefly in the previous examples.

When is HABER used?

TO HAVE It is a word to which, depending on the sentence, one of the following two types can be attributed:


It is the infinitive of a verb that means to possess, occur, be carried out or celebrated. Example: Should to have more passed in that exam. It is an auxiliary verb to conjugate the compound forms of other verbs and itself. Examples: I regret not to have grabbed a bigger bottle of water. This year has been less public than other years.

This verb is used with the value of obligation. Example:

You have to bring more water for everyone.


It is a masculine noun that means, in general, the set of someone’s belongings. Example: She has in her to have many years of experience in that factory.

When is A VER used?

LET’S SEE is a fixed expression formed by the preposition “to” and the verb “see” in infinitive.

According to the RAE, it has different values ​​and uses:

Using it in an interrogative tone, it indicates a request to check or look at something. Example: I bought the board game I told you about. ¿Let’s see? I was also thinking about whether to buy it.

Indicates expectation or interest in something. In this case it is usually followed by an indirect interrogative. Example:

Let’s see qWhat are we doing this afternoon? I have no idea.

It is used to attract the attention of one or more interlocutors before asking, requesting or ordering something. Example:

Let’s seeCan you be quiet for a moment, please?
