⚡ Time or time

The word about which the doubt has been generated is in common use both orally and in writing. However, as with so many others, controversy can arise due to some of its spellings or the combination of them. In this case, it is a question of whether to write an “m” or write an “n.”

Thanks to the following questionnaire you will be able to check how well you handle these types of doubts about the way to write or pronounce some words.


Time or time

Click the ‘Start’ button to test yourself.


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Repeat quiz”); jQuery(“#title”).html(“RESULT”); jQuery(“#question_status”).html(“”); //jQuery(“#clock”).html(“”); clearInterval(iterator); //saveNote(); jQuery(“#summary”).css(‘display’,’inline-block’); }else{ //Hide questions and show the appropriate jQuery(“#validation”) .hide(); jQuery(“.question”).hide(); w=jQuery(“#inp_next”).val(); jQuery(“#question_”+w).css(‘display’,’inline- block’); #question_status”).html(“Question “+w+” of 12″); } return false; }); jQuery(“.skip”).on(“click”,function(){ var lap=jQuery(this) .data(‘question’); jQuery(“#inp_next”).val(lap+1); jQuery(“#validation”).hide(); jQuery(“.pregu”).hide(); w=jQuery (“#inp_next”).val(); jQuery(“#question_”+w).show(); jQuery(“#the_incorrect ones”).html(“”); jQuery(“#one_or_several”).val(jQuery (‘#one_or_several_’+w).val()); current=w; jQuery(“#question_status”).html(“Question “+w+” of 12″); }); }); function startQuiz(obj){ obj.disabled = true; obj.style.opacity =0.5; jQuery(“#list_questions”).css(‘display’,’inline-block’); jQuery(‘#question_1’).show() jQuery(“#one_or_several”).val(jQuery(‘#one_or_several_1’).val()); current=1; jQuery(“#question_status”).html(“Question 1 of 12”); jQuery(“#title”).html(” “); jQuery(“#clock”).html(‘ ‘+toHHMMSS(total_time)); iterator=setInterval(count, 1000); jQuery(“.mp-header-questions”).hide(); } function counter(){ current_time-=1; jQuery(“#clock”).html(‘ ‘+toHHMMSS(current_time)); if(current_time<1){ total_pending=12-(total_correct+total_incorrect); //End counter and show results at this time jQuery('#el_button').trigger('click'); clearInterval(iterator); //Hide all and show summary jQuery("#validation").hide(); jQuery(".ask").hide(); jQuery("#summary").css('display','inline-block'); jQuery("#title").html("RESULT"); jQuery("#question_status").html(""); jQuery("#clock").html(' 00:00'); jQuery("#summary").html("

Correct: “+total_correct+”

Incorrect: “+total_incorrect+”

Without answer: “+total_pending+”

Repeat quiz”); } jQuery(“.play_sound”).attr(“src”,”https://www.beta.mundoprimariapremium.com/wp-content/themes/wp-bootstrap-starter-child/imagenes/btn_play .png”); jQuery(“.play_sound”).attr(“onerror”,”this.src=”https://www.beta.mundoprimariapremium.com/wp-content/themes/wp-bootstrap-starter-child /imagenes/btn_play.png””); } var toHHMMSS = function (obj) { var sec_num = parseInt(obj, 10); // don’t forget the second param var hours = Math.floor(sec_num / 3600); var minutes = Math.floor((sec_num – (hours * 3600)) / 60); var seconds = sec_num – (hours * 3600) – (minutes * 60); if (hours < 10) {hours = "0"+ hours;} if (minutes < 10) {minutes = "0"+minutes;} if (seconds < 10) {seconds = "0"+seconds;} return minutes+':'+seconds; //hours+':'+ minutes+':'+seconds } function message(t,c){ jQuery("#messageTitle").html

Is it written time or time?

To know if the writing is correct time or writing time, In addition to the dictionary (a reference book that can often get us out of this type of doubt), we could remember a very simple spelling rule:

Before the letter p always written m.

Some other words that are influenced by this rule are:


All of them and many more are found in the same situation as the word in question and, as can be seen, they can be from any grammatical category.

In this way, it is concluded that it is appropriate to write time with m and that the word with n It means falling into a spelling mistake, plus we wouldn’t find it in the dictionary.

What is the meaning of the word time?

The word time It has several meanings, that is, it is polysemous. In fact, the Royal Spanish Academy contemplates up to 18 different meanings, among them we will highlight the following:

Duration of a thing or an event. Example. The completion of that project has taken less time of the…