⬤─Me or My ➤➤ When is “My” used and when is “My”?

My or me? Which one to use in each sentence? What is the difference between one word and the other? Why do you have to put an accent?

What questions about two words with only two letters!

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My or Me

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My or me?

These words are subject to the rules of the diacritical accent. This graphic accent is placed on some words that are written the same, but have different meanings and belong, as a general rule, to different grammatical categories.

Regarding its pronunciation one is unstressed (the one without an accent), in this case it is myand another is tonic (the one with the diacritical accent), in this case it is my.

When do we use MI without accent?

Myas noun or noun, is the third note of the musical scale. Furthermore, in the feminine, it is the name of the twelfth letter of the Greek alphabet that corresponds to the M of the Latin alphabet. Some sentences in which it can be used with this value may be the following:

You forgot to include the my that was in that rhythm. When writing the Greek alphabet, the letter my It didn’t turn out very well for us.

On the other hand, the categorization of My as adjective or possessive determiner which corresponds to the first person singular that has as plural my. This word is placed before another to indicate the property of what it accompanies. Some examples would be:

The Royal Academy of Language makes two points about the use of this determinant that add a nuance to what has been stated:

My prefixed to a proper name it provides affective or emphatic value. For example:

My prefixed to a military rank name indicates a respectful treatment when addressing a superior. For example:

When do we use ME with accent?

My, as possessive pronoun, It has an accent and corresponds to the first person singular for both the masculine and feminine genders. Like the rest of the pronouns, they do not accompany any other word and indicate the person who speaks or writes. Some examples would be:

I have been appointed to my as team captain. He brought the green olives by my.

As can be seen in the previous examples, my appears preceded by a preposition. Below are other sentences in which the scheme appears preposition + my are the following:

As in the case of mi sin accent, the Royal Academy of Language makes a section to expose three notable expressions in which it participates me with accent:

TO MY THAT: This is a colloquial expression used to express indifference. Example: You will say that to my that I care what you do.

FOR MY: used to enter an opinion. It can be replaced by the expressions “in my opinion” and “as I believe”. Example:

For myCarlos is absolutely right on that topic.
In my opinion / As I believeCarlos…