An essential part of the legal procedures are; the information request request, example; when it is addressed to the competent authority, the authority that directs the legal process, presenting the model of the right of petition in order to find out in judicial proceedings.
The request for information request is described in the political constitution in its article 23 as follows: Every person has the right to submit a respectful request for petitions to the authorities for reasons of general or particular interest and obtain a prompt resolution. The response must provide a substantive solution, on the request.
we left the application template in Word to download at the bottom of the article. The example of a request is a document that complies with the rules of article 23, as provided by the law requesting information requests.
➤ It may be interesting: Word or PDF guardianship action model.
How to make a right of petition to request information
There are two different ways to make the right to request information written and verbal, the document in written form must be presented respectfully before the competent entity, in the same way, if the request for information is verbal; The entity must have the electronic mechanism that allows verification of the petitioner.
What data must contain the right of petition
Refer to the competent authority Full name of the applicant, also include the document number, address, telephone, email The object of the request Reasons that support the right in request Attach document that accompanies the request Last and not least sign the document.
Example of the request form for the right to request information
(Public body)
(your name or name of petitioner), older (or younger, depending on the case) neighbor of…, identified with citizenship card, number… (or identity card) issued in…, in my own name (or as legal representative), I respectfully request, authorize the examination on the documents in the archive of that entity, relating to…
Purposes of the information requested in the right of petition
With the request I want…; on the other hand, the documents to be consulted are not reserved. In accordance with the foregoing, the petition that I am submitting to you is also intended to constitute evidence for procedural purposes, or for other administrative purposes, all aimed at recognizing… that I have been advancing in…
Fundamentals of the right of petition
The Constitution, article 23on the right of petition; (If it is a matter of complying with what is ordered in a judicial decision, the relevant part must be transcribed in which it is ordered to prove the facts, matter of the right of consultation and copy; In this case, the aforementioned judicial ruling is, in turn, the legal basis for the exercise of the petition).
The request for information request that I raise, by means of this letter, is based on the factual and legal reasons previously exposed, and that are left duly verified with the following annexes and documents:
Memorial – power, (if acting as proxy or agent of a natural or legal person; in this second case, the certificate of the Chamber of Commerce of …… must be added); A copy of this petition request is intended to be authenticated by the authority that receives it, consequently, I request that, as of today, the number and list of the annexes of the original writing be added, a copy that will have the same value as that one and that you, sir……. It will be served to return me, without such authentication causing any right at my expense; Copy of the order (or administrative act), issued by …… , the day …… , through which the practice of evidence was ordered in the process …… ( or the administrative procedure) that is brought before…..
continue reading the information request requestin the document in Word
➨ It may be interesting: Examples of administrative documents to download.