Example of the model housing lease
Place and date of execution of the urban housing lease:
Landlord of the dwelling(s):Name and identification:Name and identification:Tenant of the dwelling(s):Name and identification:Name and identification:Property address:Price of the rental fee for the dwelling:Cadastral appraisal of the dwelling : term of duration of the lease Word: Date of initiation of the contract: The urban property consists of the services of: Whose payment corresponds to:
In addition to the above stipulations, the parties by mutual agreement agree to the following clauses within the housing lease contract:
Clauses of a contract to rent an urban dwelling
1. First: Object of the rental contract
Through this housing lease, the landlord agrees to grant the tenant the enjoyment of the urban property for housing, whose boundaries are determined in the fifteenth clause of this lease, along with the other elements that appear in the inventory. signed by the parties, and the lessee, to pay the stipulated canon or rent for this enjoyment.
2. Second: payment, opportunity and rental site
The tenant agrees to pay the landlord for the enjoyment of the property and other elements the price or fee agreed in the housing lease in the sum of ($) within the first () days of each contractual period, to the landlord or to your order.
The fee may be increased annually according to the legally authorized percentage. If the fee is paid by check, the fee is considered paid on the payment date only once the bank makes the respective payment, as long as the check has been presented in time for payment to the respective bank.
3. Third: destination of the contracted site for rent
The lessee agrees to give the property the use for his and his family’s housing, and may not give it another use, nor assign, nor transfer the lease without the written authorization of the lessor.
Failure to comply with this obligation will give the landlord the right to terminate this housing lease contract and demand the delivery of the property. In the event of assignment or sublease by the lessee, the lessor may enter into a new lease contract with the real users, without the need for judicial or private requirements to which the lessee expressly waives.
4. Fourth: Receipt and state of the place to rent
The lessee declares that he has received the property object of this contract in good condition, according to the attached inventory, which is part of this contract; in it the related services, things and use are determined.
Upon termination of the contract, the tenant of the property is obliged to return the property to the landlord in the same state that he received it, except for deterioration arising from the passage of time and the legitimate use of the leased property.
5. Fifth: Obligations regarding reparations
The lessee will be in charge of the locative repairs referred to by law and may not carry out others without the written consent of the lessor.
In the event that the tenant of the dwelling carries out essential non-rental repairs that are caused without his fault, unless the parties agree otherwise, the tenant may deduct the cost of the repairs from the rental value, without such discounts exceeding thirty percent (30%) of its value.
If the cost of the repairs is greater, the lessee may periodically deduct up to thirty percent (30%) of the rental value, until the total cost is completed.
6. Sixth: Special obligations of the lease:
a) of the lessor:
1. The lessor will materially deliver the property to the lessee on the same day, in a good state of service, safety and health, and will make available to him the services, things and related uses agreed upon in this contract, by means of an inventory, which he will deliver to the lessee, as well as a copy of the contract with original signatures.
In the event that the lessee does not provide the lessor with a copy of the contract with original signatures, he will be penalized by the competent authority with fines equivalent to three (3) monthly rental payments.
2. It will keep the related and additional services, things and use in the property in good condition to serve for the fulfillment of the object of the contract.
3. It will free the lessee from any disturbance in the enjoyment of the property.
4. Make the necessary repairs to the property subject to the lease, and the rentals, but only when these come from force majeure or a fortuitous event, or from the poor quality of the leased thing.