▷ CIVIL WORKS CONTRACT model in Word or PDF 2022

Example of the civil works contract model

Civil works contract No.:

Work no.:

Start date:

Finish date:

Among the undersigned, namely: (company name) commercial company legally constituted as stated, represented by (legal representative name), identified with the citizenship card No. (type and number of documents) in his capacity as (position) of the same, as stated in the certificate of existence and representation issued by the Chamber of Commerce of … of (date) and who for the purposes of this Civil Works Contract will be called the CONTRACTING PARTY, and (name of company or natural person), older than age, identified with the citizenship card (type and number of documents) domiciled and residing in (city) acting in the name and representation of… and who for the purposes of this document will be called the CONTRACTOR, agree to enter into this civil works contract , which will be governed by the pertinent civil provisions and especially by the following clauses:

Clauses of the civil works contract

1. Purpose of the work contract.

The CONTRACTOR, in its capacity as…, undertakes towards the CONTRACTING PARTY to carry out the work and other activities of the contracted work consisting of:… This work must be carried out in accordance with the conditions and clauses agreed in this document.

2. Obligations of the contractor.

The CONTRACTOR undertakes towards the contracting party to execute the work in accordance with the description and previously approved plans, specifications and quotes, which are attached to this contract as part of it, and in accordance with the following relationship:

1. Plans delivered to the contractor: (they must be identified and determined in a way that does not lead to confusion and a copy of them must be attached to the contract). Table of description of the work, quantity, values: Description of work Amount Unit value Total $ Total price: $ Table of details of the work contract

Guarantees of the civil works contractor:

Contractor GuaranteesClassValue $valid untilAdvance management Compliance management Civil liability Stability (Conservation) Group life insurance Payment of salaries and social benefits Table of details of the contract price, advance payment, type, policy and others

The CONTRACTING PARTY reserves the right to reject any part of the work or material that is not in accordance with the contract or security specifications required.

3. Term, sanctions and bonuses within the civil works contract

The term for the execution of this contract will be… counted from the signing of this document, which may be extended by agreement between the parties in advance of its expiration date, through the execution of an additional contract that must be in writing.

Therefore, the CONTRACTOR will deliver the work to the CONTRACTING PARTY on (date) In case of not being able to comply with the delivery of the work on the indicated date, the CONTRACTOR shall pay the CONTRACTING PARTY for each day of unjustified delay, without prejudice to the main obligation and without prior requirement, (…) minimum daily wages for each day of delay.

If the CONTRACTOR delivers the work in advance, he will be entitled to the CONTRACTING PARTY to pay him, together with the final liquidation value, a bonus of (bonus value of the work) daily minimum wages for each day in advance.

4. Surveillance work.

The CONTRACTOR must verify all the specifications and measurements of the works and will be responsible for any error in the execution of the contract.

5. Value and form of payment of the contract.

The value of this civil works contract is the sum of (total value) current currency, which will be paid in monthly installments of (agreement value) (or in two payments, an advance and upon completion of the work, the balance) prior the presentation of the collection account that the CONTRACTOR will make to the CONTRACTING PARTY with… days in advance of the due date of each payment.

Without the guarantee of the management and fulfillment of the work, the CONTRACTING PARTY will only provide advance payments to the CONTRACTOR in proportion to the progress of the work, and at the discretion of the CONTRACTOR.

6. Guarantees of the type of contract.

In relation to the beneficiaries and collections of the guarantees mentioned in the second clause, the parties agree in the civil works contract:

1. The advance management and compliance guarantee may be made effective by the CONTRACTOR, as soon as it verifies that there has been a breach by the CONTRACTOR, without the need for a civil process or prior claim, which the CONTRACTOR waives. The stability guarantee must be subscribed so that the CONTRACTOR, without prejudice to its responsibility, guarantees the good quality of the construction and materials. The stability guarantee will not be required of the CONTRACTOR, if the CONTRACTOR gives the work or its parts an inappropriate destination, or allows different people, the CONTRACTOR or its technicians, to carry out modifications or repairs in the construction work contract model in Word .