ᐉ PAYMENT RECEIPT Format in Excel 2022, Free Download Model

A new day, a new minute. Today in the library of minutes we include the payment receipt format in Excel. AxisSupremely useful example in all kinds of economic transactions.

Used almost in any business or service company, the Excel payment receipt format; is precisely the document that certifies a payment and leaves the recipient received the agreed amount.

What is a payment receipt?

It is known as the payment receipt format in Excel or received from cash, the document certifying the payment of an obligationproduct or service made by a sender and received by a receiver.

While payment vouchers are common and can be purchased at any stationery store, you can also add your personalized touch. Later we will know a little more about this type of receipt and some tips for its processing. We will also make a payment by proof of payment available to you.

Characteristics of the payment receipt format in Excel.

Example of the payment receipt format in excel

The payment receipt model in Excel to download for free; It has the specific characteristics for this type of support, that is:

I received fromAmountConceptReceived byPayment method

➨ If you don’t know Excel, you can download the payment receipt in Word.

The payment vouchers are treated with a copy where the data and signature of the person receivingthe original is delivered to the person making the payment and the duplicate is in the possession of the person receiving the payment.

Payment receipts are not a tax, that is, They do not serve as proof of payment for the tax payment, so we have the invoices imposed. The receipt indicates that a payment was made, while the invoice requires a payment to be made.

It is important that after making a payment, you claim your payment receipt, as it is convincing proof that your payment was made. Payment receipt model in Excel

This model of receipt of payment in Excel contains; the payment method, payment specifications and the simple format to fill out or modify in Excel.

In this model of receipt of payment in Excel, it has the advantage that after adding the numerical value, it is automatically add in the number in textstoday’s date is also entered automatically, just fill in the remaining fields and print.

Advantages of using a payment receipt

One of the main advantages of using a paid support is, ensure transparency in the transition. In addition, it serves as proof of payment of the commercial transaction and last and not least; It helps to improve the relationship between seller and buyer.

Advantages of the payment receipt format in Excel

The table that you can download for free from the author’s page, offers you the facility to auto-complete the values ​​in letters, also easy to fill out and print

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How to fill out a payment receipt?

There is no law that means that a payment model can contain mandatory data, but it is recommended to take into account several important data.

Qualification:Date: Receipt issue dateReceipt number: You should have a consecutive payment, include it hereReceived from: name of the payment recipientto result: value in pesos of the paymentquantity in number: value in numbersQuantity in the text: The payment receipt format in Excel, automatically fills this fieldConcept: describe clearly and summarized the concept of the payment.Received by: sender data.

This receipt will work as proof of payment for the client, then a clear record of what you paid. Before producing documentation for the record, we must make a clear difference between documents and other documents in a filing system. Therefore, you must fill in the day, year and month when this money was received according to the marked date.

The receipt must provide the document number of this receipt on the ‘receipt number’ line. The payment information of the section of the section is used as the preparation area for the payment of the payment that we produce. You can put the full name of the payer on the blank line marked “I received”.

This receipt should produce the concise payment breakdown that was paid. Create the “total amount due.” This information must be the customer’s payment invoice.

The lines at the bottom are attached to the person who verifies that the payment was received. In addition, the Company’s or Contractor’s representative must have their name on the “received by” line.

Tips for using the payment receipt example in Excel

This template can be printed on any kind of paper, if you don’t want to use it you can buy this kind of paper at any library, stationery or chain store.

The payment receipt format in Excel is for use in a product or service with the local physical currency (you can change the currency). If there is no electronic evidence of a cash transaction, you can provide evidence through a cash receipt. This is the only test for the receiving party.

In addition, a cash receipt should contain information such as the date, what you make the payment, the total amount, for which the payment is used, who receives the payment, the tax rate, the subtotal, and the remaining balance.

Also, you can make your Excel payment receipt format look more professional. Include the customer’s name and contact information to be posted on the receipt. The benefit is that when they return to any purchase, you have helpful contact information.